Gopher Tortoise

Gopher Tortoise

Gopher Tortoise

Gopherus polyphemus are protected in Florida and listed as a Threatened species. 

Both the tortoise and their burrows are protected under state law. 

Prior to beginning construction:

  • Conduct a Gopher Tortoise Survey to determine if the species is present on your property
  • Gopher Tortoise may need to be relocated, in which case FWC permits will be necessary
  • If the Gopher Tortoise can remain in place during construction, you may utilize a management plan to minimize impacts

Where are Gopher Tortoises on Marco Island

Gopher Tortoises naturally occupy upland habitat throughout Florida including forests, pastures, and yards.

On Marco Island, our Gopher Tortoise population can be found throughout the island occupying vacant lots. 

The areas surrounding S. Barfield, Inlet & Dogwood are particularly densely populated.