Reclaimed Water Production Facility


Reclaimed Water Production Facility (RWPF)

The Marco Island Reclaimed Water Production Facility is a Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) Process.  The MLE process is a Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) configuration, which has an anoxic stage followed by an aerobic stage.  The plant has three parallel in-channel rotary drum screens to remove solids and three compactors before the solids are moved to a dumpster for disposal.  The influent is then sent to equalization (EQ) storage tanks (4 - 500,000 gal tanks). EQ storage tanks provide peak flow storage and flow equalization, which reduces plant capacity requirements.  Raw, screened sewage is pumped out of the  EQ storage tanks which feed two (2) biological treatment tanks. The water from the biological treatment is sent to five (5) Zenon membrane trains for filtration and then to two (2) chlorine contact chambers.  Reuse water that does not meet specifications, is rejected or any excess reuse water is sent to two (2) deep injection wells. The reuse water is stored in two (2) 500,000-gallon storage tanks prior to entering the reuse distribution system. The sludge from the wastewater treatment process is thickened to 20% solids and sent to landfill.