Filing Your Candidate Information

Person in an orange sweater typing on a computer

Filing is a process established in state law where a person completes a form designating their campaign treasurer and bank account and files with the qualifying officer (City Clerk).

Individuals may not open a campaign account, nor accept or expend campaign funds until the appropriate designation of campaign treasurer and campaign depository form is filed with the City Clerk.  Candidates may appoint themselves as their own campaign treasurer.

A person may file at any time, irrespective of the qualifying period.

Once a candidate has filed the appropriate forms with the City Clerk, he/she may accept a campaign contribution or make a loan to himself/herself to open a campaign account.  Submittal of campaign finance reports will be required from the date of filing forward.

The forms you need to file with the City Clerk are below:


Form DS-DE 9:  Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates:  

DS DE 9: Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates

Form DS-DE 302 NP:  Candidate Oath, Nonpartisan Office:

DS DE 302 NP: Candidate Oath, Nonpartisan Office

Form DS DE84:  Statement of Candidate:

DS DE 84 Statement of Candidate

A copy of Form 6 Financial Disclosure 

Form 6 is filed directly online with the Florida Commission of Ethics

Link to Form 6