Wet and Dry Floodproofing

Dry Floodproofing

Dry Floodproofing -


Refer to:

FEMA Technical Bulletin 2 and 3

ASCE - 24

FBC - 1612

Floodproofing Checklist - https://www.cityofmarcoisland.com/building/page/fema-dry-floodproofing-check-list

FEMA Floodproofing Form https://www.cityofmarcoisland.com/building/page/fema-dry-floodproofing-form

Floodproofing - https://www.floodproofing.com/dry-floodproofing 



Wet Floodproofing -

When installing flood vents, there must be 1 square inch of flood opening/vent to 1 square foot of garage/enclosed area. Below is a list of Engineered hydrostatic flood vents which are approved by DBPR. Refer to FEMA Technical Bulletin 1 along with the Non-Engineered Opening Guide - In no particular order, the City of Marco Island does not endorse one over the other.

Flood Solutions - https://floodsolutions.com/ 

Smart Vents - https://smartvent.com/

Crawlspace - https://www.crawlspacedoors.com/crawl-space-doors-articles/protect-your-home-with-flood-vents/

Flood Flaps - https://floodflaps.com/product/overhead-garage-door-flood-vents/

Flood Vent

Don’t be fooled by air vents being passed off as flood vents.

Air vents clog and does not allow debris to flow through.


Air Vent